What is the PRG?
A small group of patients, our Patient Reference Group (PRG) meets regularly to discuss issues about our services. We, and they, will keep you informed about their activities through this website. Also, a Newsletter will be e-mailed to those who have provided their e-mail address. In addition, it will be available in hard copy in the Surgery waiting rooms, from our receptionists, and on this website.
The group’s members are drawn from a range of ages, ethnicities, occupations and lifestyles.
All registered patients over the age of 18 are invited to put their name forward for membership of the PRG. However, it is necessary to limit the number of members of the Group at any one time. Therefore, patients putting their names forward will be interviewed. Then they will be added to a list for future membership as vacancies occur.
All our patients are welcome to give their views in the comments section. So all are included. We value every opinion.
Patient Reference Group aims and objectives
Our PRG aims to provide patient views by:
- Conducting patient surveys or collecting feedback in the waiting room
- Advising the Practice and patients of new systems and treatments
- Sharing good practice by networking with other PRGs
- Lobbying to improve a whole range of health services
Our PRG promotes health matters by:
- Organising meetings on important health needs
- Producing a directory of self-care support groups
- Raising awareness of key public health messages
Our PRG improves communication by:
- Distributing regular Newsletters
- Building two-way relationships between patients and the Practice
- Promoting awareness of and access to local health services
Our PRG influences the development of services by:
- Giving opinions about our Practice premises
- Representing patient views on the purchase of health services
- Co-ordinating with other PRGs to improve wider healthcare delivery
Patient Reference Group Meetings
Your Patient Reference Group meets approximately monthly as a parent group. Further meetings of sub-groups are arranged as necessary. All sub-groups report back to the parent group with their activities/actions recorded in the minutes of the parent group.