Practice Charter

Our Promise

We promise to treat everyone as an individual. We will not discriminate against you on grounds of gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour or creed, age, marital status, disability, medical condition, social background or sexual orientation. We will treat you as a person rather than as a medical condition.

Care will be research based and regularly reviewed.

We will notify you of any major changes in the way in which the Practice runs through the Practice leaflet, local press, flyers and surgery notices as appropriate.

If you have any ideas about how we could improve our service, please contact our Practice Manager, AJ Baheerathan or post your comments below.

Your Rights & Responsibilities

You have a right to express a preference of Practitioner and may request an appointment with the clinician of your choice.

At times we provide training support for other health professionals. You may be asked if a student can observe your consultation/treatment. You may choose not to participate in training and your care and consultation will not be affected.

We ask you to be as prompt as possible for an appointment. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will need to rebook. Please be polite to all our staff, we do not tolerate verbal or physical abuse. Our staff are working to agreed procedures and we request that you do not ask them to break these rules.

If you are rude or aggressive to our staff, you will be told of this and the incident will be recorded. If this happens a second time, you will be removed from our list and have to find another Practice.

We only remove patients in our area from our Practice list in extreme circumstances. We will give you a clear explanation in writing for any removal which is not due to registration with another Practice.

Why Are Patients Sometimes Removed From Your List?

Sometimes we do have to inform patients that we cannot continue to offer them health services. We follow the recommended guidance from the Royal College of General Practitioners about when it is reasonable to do this. Occasionally the doctor-patient relationship breaks down, and if this happens we would not be able to offer you the best care. In these circumstances we would inform you that we wished to remove you from the list.

Breakdown of the relationship of trust might occur because of:

  • Verbal abuse of any practice staff
  • Threats to any staff or other patients
  • Racist abuse
  • Dishonesty about use of medication

What Will Happen If You Need To Remove Someone From The List?

We would always consider first whether any aspect of the running of the practice is contributing to the problem and see whether we could introduce a solution that might help.

We will always inform the patient by letter to explain why we feel removal from the list is the best course of action.

No patient will be left without a GP – To find a new doctor you simply apply to register with the new doctor of your choice. If you are unable to find a practice who can take you on their list, Bucks PCT 01494 552200 will assist in finding another practice.

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